For example, on my minion-build character, my DPS factored as 0, as all of my damage didn’t come from a weapon, by my minions. The amount of gear you earn isn’t the only problem, it’s also the difficulty in finding the gear you want. In the live game, this would probably cost you some money, how much, we can’t really say at this time. It’s always fun to look through your loot once you’ve finished a quest, but with the amount of gear you end up acquiring, I had to expand my inventory space many, many times so that I could hold everything, even from just one mission. From very early on, you’ll be getting numerous gear drops, all of which you’ll need to sift through. Gear has always been huge in Torchlight and Infinite is no exception.

Bad: Gear Overload Starts Early And Gets Worse While you may have a few special affixes that can ruin your day once you hit the Netherrealm, for the most part, as long as you’re paying attention to your foes, even if you’re underpowered you can eke out a win as long as you know the pattern. Torchlight Infinite also employs a lot of enemies with very specific attack patterns, bosses included. It’s definitely one of the best feeling combat systems on mobile. Everything you do is based on the skills you choose and the choices you make in combat. You can do this with each of the abilities you choose, or, you can just tap each of the abilities to fire them off at will. By sliding your thumb around the screen like an analog stick, you can change your ability direction on the fly. The combat feels responsive, even on a mobile device, and the touch controls provide an easy way to plan the positioning of skills, without too much fuss. Luckily, XD doesn’t stray too far from what Torchlight fans have come to know and love. If you’re a fan of ARPGs, then you probably aren’t new to the Torchlight series. Here’s a quick breakdown of the good and bad that I’ve experienced so far: Good: The Action RPG Gameplay is Top Notch The maximum level for the closed beta is 99, and leveling slows somewhat once the story dries up, but there’s still a lot of content there to carry you through, even at this stage of development.
As the corruption of Ember begins to take hold, what heroes will stand between the innocent and those that wish to devastate the lands? Torchlight Infinite began its closed beta on January 18 th, and it will run for a total of 6 weeks on both Android and iOS before it concludes. Torchlight Infinite picks up 200 years from where Torchlight II ends, in an era where Ember technology is imbued throughout the world.